Scientists create a laboratory to study clean and sustainable energy generation from the communication between microalgae
A team of scientists from the Faculty of Sciences and Technology from the University of Coimbra (FCTUC) has created a bioelectronics and bioenergy laboratory intending to study clean and sustainable energy generation from the communication between microalgae.
A team of scientists from the Faculty of Sciences and Technology from the University of Coimbra (FCTUC) has created a bioelectronics and bioenergy laboratory intending to study clean and sustainable energy generation from the communication between microalgae.
The project Generating Energy from Electroactive Algae (GREEN) was one of those funded by Starting Grant from the European Research Council (ERC), having been awarded 2.2 million euros, in 2020.
“This new laboratory is a basis for emerging bioelectricity studies. The present instrumentation allows us to measure an ample group of signals, from slow signals originating from the microorganisms we are trying to collect for energy production, to high-frequency signals as is the case of some human brain cells. I believe that this space will be an added value to multidisciplinary science”, says Paulo Rocha, associate professor at the Department of Life Sciences (DCV) and researcher at the Centre for Functional Ecology (CFE).
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