/ Research Groups

Biodiversity, Conservation and Natural Capital


Sílvia Castro

António C. Gouveia

The Biodiversity, Conservation and Natural Capital research group seeks to develop knowledge and critical understanding of different biodiversity patterns, from individual organisms to an integrated vision of conserving and valorising endogenous genetic resources, promoting a more sustainable territory. The group has five research lines:

Taxonomy, Biological Collections and History of Science aims to collect, curate and publish data on the diversity and distribution of species, clarifying the taxonomy of different biological groups, from microorganisms to nematodes, fungi and plants. This research line safeguards biological collections, including their critical historical context, valorising associated traditional knowledge and disseminating their importance and relevance. It integrates MyCoLab, FLOWer Lab and NEMATO-lab, in close collaboration with the Herbarium and Botanical Garden of the University of Coimbra.

Ecology and Evolution aims to investigate the natural history and evolutionary processes of the main biological groups, with an emphasis on the role of natural selection in the evolution of plants and fungi, in speciation and the evolution of reproductive systems, as well as, from an applied perspective, in the role of fungi in the biodeterioration of ancient documents, stone monuments or works of art. It also integrates the study of the ecology, behaviour and conservation of mammals and their role in ecosystem services and their management. This research line includes the FLOWer Lab, MyCoLab, MEBLab and the Mycology and Biodeterioration Laboratory.

Conservation and Genetic Resources aims to develop in situ and ex-situ conservation programs associated with threatened species present in the Habitats and Red Lists Directive, including the management of habitats and classified areas and the study of reproduction and development of organisms. In an applied aspect, it also includes plant biotechnology, bee ecology and ecotoxicology. This research line includes MyCoLab, MEBLab, FLOWer Lab, the B-Team, the Plant Biotechnology Laboratory and the Plant Toxicology and Palynology Laboratory.

Research Team


Adilson Infande

Afonso Petronilho

Alexandros Tataridas

Ana Cristina Rufino

Ana Júlia Oliveira

Ana Margarida Dias da Silva


Ana Santos Coelho

António Abreu

António Gouveia

António Jorge Martins

António Portugal

António Xavier Coutinho

Arthur Veronez de Sousa

Catarina Drumonde Melo

Catarina Fernandes Coelho

Catarina Siopa

Célia Cabral

Daniel Dias Ricardo

Daniel Montesinos Torres

Daniela Figueira

Emília Matos Pereira

Euclides Landim

Eva Soares Monteiro

Fátima Sales

Filipe Covelo

Helena Castro

Helena Freitas

Hugo Paiva de Carvalho

Igor Tiago

Ivo Roxo

Joana Alberto José

Joana Maciel

Joao Domingues de Almeida

João Farminhão

João Loureiro

João Rodrigo Velar

João Trovão Antunes

Joaquim Santos

Jorge Paiva

Jorge Sofia

Laura Mendonça

Marcus Frazão

Maria Inês Mendes

Maria Martins Castro

Maria do Céu Madureira

Mariana Oliveira e Castro

Michaela Petropoulou

Miguel Moreira

Nuno Mesquita

Rafael Carvalho


Rafaela Santos

Rassina Farassi

Sara Brito Lopes


Sara Reis Rodrigues

Sara Santos

Sílvia Castro

Susana Cláudia Gonçalves

Teresa Gonçalves

Tomás Correia