
19 March, 2024
Field Notebook "Sustentabilidade do Oceano"
12 March, 2024
New orchid species discovered in Madagascar
04 March, 2024
FCTUC releases Portuguese version of the FITCount app to monitor plant-pollinator interactionsFCTUC releases Portuguese version of the FITCount app to monitor plant-pollinator interactions
27 February, 2024
“A Voz dos Cartoons” - Inauguration
23 February, 2024
Eugénia Cunha was awarded the T. Dale Steward Prize
16 February, 2024
Deer help to disperse seeds from Serra da Lousã native species
15 February, 2024
University of Coimbra leads European project on honey bee health and sustainable beekeeping
23 January, 2024
Documental Series “Reservas da Biosfera Portugal”
22 January, 2024
FCTUC leads structuring project for the conservation of pollinators in Portugal
15 January, 2024
TERRA Plenary Meeting with members of the CFE
22 December, 2023
Study in 'Science' points to collapse of West Antarctic ice sheet 120,000 years ago
13 December, 2023
New microcolonial black fungus with potential to contribute to monument degradation was discovered.
13 December, 2023
Financing approval for the “Promoting the Cultural Value of Biodiversity and Sustainability in Coastal Marine Territories” project
11 December, 2023
Helena Freitas is the winner of the Ernst Haeckel Prize 2024
06 December, 2023
9 million to reduce marine megafauna bycatch
21 November, 2023
FCTUC researchers create a forest residue and fungi-based product that can be used in construction
15 November, 2023
Podcast “Plantas na Serra” nominated for PODES 2023
15 November, 2023
Research concludes that seed dispersal services in the recovery of burned forests can cost more than 23 million euros per year
06 November, 2023
International research reveals that the European mushroom Amanita phalloides is capable of reproducing without a mate in California
03 November, 2023
International Day for Biosphere Reserves
27 September, 2023
CFE coordinator was nominated to represent Portugal in a UNESCO program
22 September, 2023
Scientists create a laboratory to study clean and sustainable energy generation from the communication between microalgae
28 July, 2023
Study evaluates the use of urban green spaces in Porto City
20 July, 2023
EducaPlast project’s website
117 articles found